Candidate, Contact & Company Data Upload

Your guide to bulk uploading data to Firefish.

Uploading your candidate, contact, and company data to Firefish is a simple process, here's some information to help you get your data ready for uploading.

The minimum number of records for a bulk upload is 100. To do this, we recommend you use Firefish Standard Upload Sheets.

We have 3 standard spreadsheets available. All you have to do is add in your candidate, contact and company data.

Please remember to include your company name in the file name when sending any upload documents to us.

Candidate Upload

Contact Data Upload

Company Data Upload

Which fields are mandatory?

Please ensure you fill out all of the following fields in your spreadsheet:

  • Name - For each record you are updating, you must include either the Candidate, Contact or Company's full name.

  • Email address - For Candidate and Contact uploads, this is mandatory if you want us to be able to find and locate any potential duplicates that would be uploaded as part of your data upload as if this field is not populated then you may be adding potential duplicate records onto Firefish. 

Uploading Data from Your Previous Supplier

You can use the above standard upload sheets to view the format that your data should follow for uploading. Where possible, you should rename the columns on your current data sheets to match, which will ensure these are uploaded to the correct field. We will upload the data that we are able to and a report will be provided detailing the data that it hasn't been possible to upload, i.e., if there's no equivalent field in Firefish.

Contact your Success Champion for more information.

CV-Only Upload

If you would like to upload CVs without a spreadsheet, these CVs must be named in the format "FIRSTNAME SURNAME" (e.g. Louise Cunningham), as the file name is used to create the record in Firefish. If a CV is named differently to this, the exact file name will be uploaded and your candidates will not be searchable by name on the database.

For example, a file named 1234 LCCV will have a Firefish record of First name: 1234 Surname: LCCV.

If you are uploading CVs that are in First Name, Surname format. We will run a search against your current data and only create new records for Persons that do not already exist in your data.

We will then provide you will a list of CVs that matched a record within Firefish based on First Name and Surname. These will not be uploaded as part of the CV Upload.

All of the CVs required for upload must be supplied in one Zip folder, with no sub-folders.

The following document types are supported;

Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Rich Text Format(*.rtf)

It is your responsibility to ensure that your data is correct. We will check over the data when received and advise if any changes are required. Once the data has been uploaded, it cannot be undone.

Once you have your data ready, you can then send it to the Firefish team.

Sending Firefish your Data

Please note that, as part of our internal data process, we cannot accept data which is sent via email

Transferring your Data

If you have data to transfer to complete your data request, Support will set up a folder on ShareFile to allow you to securely transfer your data. We’ll send you through a URL with details of how to access the folder.

Once signed in, you can upload your data and let your Success Champion or Support know once completed.

They'll then log your upload request with our data team and confirm once this has been run live onto your database.