This article will help you understand what type of custom fields you might want to track in both permanent and temporary workflows.
When adding a new job to Firefish you will select an appropriate Job Workflow, either Permanent or Temporary. Any custom fields that you have set up for your chosen workflow will be available on the right hand side of the job Summary tab. Firefish grants you the ability to add additional customisable fields in order to better track details specific to your industry or business. These fields can even be transferred into your Time Sheet Portal integration if you are using this too.
You will find some examples of custom fields for both Perm and Temp workflows below however you can pick and choose or add your own to suit your own business requirements.
How to Create Custom Fields
To create a Custom Field you should go to the Properties tab within System Configuration. From here you can filter by either Temp or Perm Workflow.
Once you have selected the appropriate workflow, locate an available field, and rename it using the blue pencil icon.
In order to activate the custom field you should click the arrow icon to the left of the field name, then switch on the Job Summary and/or Job Offer options. You can also decide if the field will be mandatory in each of these locations.
When utilising the drop down custom fields, you can create to drop down option by selecting Add Item, then titling the option as required.
Example Perm Custom Fields
You will have access to 3 Dropdowns and 2 text fields for your permanent workflow. These could be used in the following examples:
Exclusive: Use to capture whether the job is exclusive to you in a Yes / No dropdown.
PO Number: Keep on top of your invoicing by capturing the PO Number.
Fixed Term Contract End date: This will allow you to capture an end date for any roles that are Fixed Term.
Compliance level: You can confirm the level of compliance for the job being hired by selecting from your customisable dropdown, for example: Standard Job / Standard Job with Vehicle / No compliance required, etc
Example Temp Custom Fields
You will have access to 3 Dropdowns and 7 text fields for your Temporary workflow. These could be used in the following examples:
Overtime rules: Create a dropdown to confirm if overtime is allowed or if there are any specific rules, example Overtime Permitted / Max 2 hours per day /etc
Vehicle reg numbers: Use a text field to capture registration numbers where it is required for certain jobs.
Level or Quality of role: Capture the level of role, example 1 / 2 / 3 as a dropdown or the Quality A / B / C. You can confirm internally what each level means.
IR35: Capture whether the role is falling inside or outside of IR35 with a dropdown.
Must have’s: Create an open text field to capture any must have’s whether its related to a certificate, available for weekend work, within a certain distance, a driving license etc.