Email Add-in's

Firefish Email Add-in Troubleshooting

Commonly asked queries about the Firefish email add-ins

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Here are some commonly reported issues with our add-ins, along with simple solutions to get you back on track:

Outlook Add-in


The Firefish icon is greyed out

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Solution: Select an email so that it is visible in the reading pane (You can enable the reading pane by going to - View >> Layout >> Reading Pane >> Show on the right/bottom

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I receive a 'Could not sign in. Please try again' message


Root Cause: There was an issue with the login credential provided.

Step 1 - Verify that your Firefish URL is correct - visit your login page and copy the URL from your browser, excluding the /login.aspx, and paste this into the add-in


Step 2 - attempt to sign in with your Firefish username and password. If you still receive the error...

Step 3 - use the forgotten password link on your login page to reset your password, once you've completed the process you can attempt to login using your new credentials.

Step 4 - if you are still receiving the error, visit - - and try the login process using your Firefish URL and credentials.

I have opened the add-in but it's showing as blank!

Solution: Right click the blank space on the add-in and select the reload option.

Don't have a mouse, hold ctrl (command on a mac) and press F5

I uploaded a candidate but there was a problem with the attachment?

Documents sent via email have a token to validate their authenticity. The add-in will reject them if the token cannot be verified, you may also see the following notification:

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Solution: Your candidate record will still have been created but the document will need to be uploaded onto the candidates record via Firefish.

I'm using a shared or public inbox

Currently the Firefish add in is not supported for shared or public inboxes. Although you may find that the add in is available to use, we can't guarantee or troubleshoot missing functionality at this time.

I'm still experiencing an issue, what can I do?

Get in touch with Support with a brief description of the issue.

Gmail Add-in

Content not available for this message?

For some emails you may get a message stating "Content not available for this message". Gmail add ins are unable to load emails received from an address which does not have an SPF record.

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This issue would need to be resolved by the email sender's email host. 

I'm receiving a Blocked Sign-in attempt notification

As part of the built in security settings, Gmail will block any attempted sign in from a device not recognised or trusted to your account:

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As well as protecting you from unauthorised attempts to sign in to your account you may receive the message when using the add-in from a new device for the first time, or if your IP settings have recently changed.

By selecting Check Activity you will be able to see the details of the sign-in attempt and rectify to allow yourself access.

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It's important to remember that these notifications will be sent to the recovery email account you have listed with Gmail.

I'm still experiencing an issue, what can I do?

Get in touch with Support with a brief description of the issue.