Going Live, SSL Certificates & DNS Settings

Going live with your blended website (Professional & Enterprise)

8 steps to going live with your new Firefish jobs page

Once you’ve created some job adverts, you’re ready to launch your new recruitment website!

Work your way through these 8 steps and you’ll be swimming to success in no time.

1. Ensure you've created the links back to your main site from within the Firefish CMS.

2. Set up a sub-domain for your job pages. This should take the form of jobs.yourURL

3. Once your website is live, send your URL to your onboarding coach and agree a date to change DNS settings.

4. Update your DNS settings for your new website. Once you’ve done this, your website will redirect to the temporary URL you log in when displaying your new site.

The following Thursday (we’ll give you a minimum 3 days’ notice), we’ll install your SSL certificate and move your domain back to your own live domain. This will happen out of office hours so it doesn’t impact your day.

The SSL certificate is important because this is what secures your website and makes it safe to process personal data through your website.

5. You should then update your email add-in URL to match your live domain URL as soon as possible to allow the email add-in to work.

6. You can then set up Google for Jobs so you gain maximum reach on all the jobs you have live on your jobs pages.

7. Next, we recommend you bulk email your candidates, encouraging them to re-register their personal info to connect up their brand new candidate portal.

8. Shout from the rooftops about your new website and candidate portal!