Tasks & Cleansing

Hot Candidates and Star Ratings

Add or edit a candidate's Hot Status and Star Rating

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Our star rating feature allows you to add a star rating of 1 star to 5 stars to a candidates record within the system.

Your System Administrator can amend the default star rating that will be assigned to new candidates.

You can search Firefish by star rating to quickly find candidates to prioritise reaching out to.

Amending star rating

To amend a candidates star rating you can click the stars in the top right of the banner of the candidate's record. This allows you to rate a candidate from 1 to 5 stars.

The stars will be coloured in to show the relevant rating that has been given.

A candidate's star rating will not only display on the candidates record - it will also display in the search results, candidate record preview and on the job workflow.

Amending the star rating on a candidate record will also record an action on their record, so we can see if or when a candidates star rating has been changed.

Search Using Star Rating

You can search specifically for star rating in the system. To do this, click the stars in the rating section of search.


  • If minimum is checked the search results will include any candidates that have a star rating equal to or above the selected star rating.

  • If minimum is not checked the search results will include any candidates that have the exact star rating selected.

Hot Candidates

Our hot candidates feature allows you to add a hot status to candidate records within the system.

Hot candidates are those who are ready for placement or are highly engaged so should be on your team's radar.

Hot candidates will keep their hot status for a configurable amount of time, the default being two weeks. Super Users can change the length of time a candidate remains Hot for in the candidate settings within people configuration.

You can search Firefish by hot status to quickly find candidates to prioritise reaching out to.

Adding Hot status

To add hot status to a candidate, you can click the flame in the top right of the banner of the candidate's record.

The grey flame will now turn red, indicating hot status.

A candidate's hot status will not only display on the candidates record - it will also display in the search results, candidate record preview and on the job workflow.

Adding hot status to a candidate record will also record an action on their record, so we can see if candidates have previously been considered hot, who added/removed the status and when.

Searching for Hot Candidates

You can search specifically for hot candidates in the system. To do this, click the flame in the rating section of search.