Job Board Integrations

How to Set up and Use the X1 Job Board Integration

Using the Firefish x1 Jobs integration

Firefish integrates with X1 Jobs so you can post adverts directly to the job board and accept job board applications back into your Firefish database.


With 11 dedicated regional job boards throughout England and Wales, x1jobs can put your vacancy in front of those looking for jobs in those areas while only using 1 credit.


Add X1 Jobs to your job board multi-posting

To add X1 Jobs to your job board multi-posting, Super Users can go to Settings > Integrations > Job Boards then click Add.


Setting up to post to X1 requires you to enter company name which has been provided by S1 and your username (usually something like CompanyName-Admin) and password. You should contact your account manager at X1 Jobs if you don’t know your account information.


Starred fields are mandatory and must be completed in order to set up the integration. A red status symbol will indicate tabs that have mandatory fields to complete and the number of mandatory fields for that tab.


To add X1 Jobs to your job board multi-posting, a Super User can go to Settings > Integrations > Job Boards then click Add.


To do so you'll need your X1 Jobs Username and Password which you can request from your X1 Jobs account manager:



Select the X1 Job Board from the options provided in the Job Board drop down:

Add a Job Board

Firefish Profile Name
Give these job board settings a name - this will help identify different integrations with the same job board.


Use direct apply URL?
Choosing a direct apply URL means candidates will be directed back to your website when applying for an advert posted on X1 Jobs.


You may need to contact your account manager to ensure this is enabled.


Default Fields

The Default Fields settings can be found in the Default Fields Tab:



Core Skill
Choose a core skill you use regularly which will be the default information when posting an advert. This can be changed per advert.



In this tab you will be able to set up a limit of the number of credits being used per user or have unlimited postings to the job board:

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This column will display a date, which shows you the last time the allowance period began, or the last time the total credits were reset.


Total Credits

Is set to unlimited by default and if you want to add the number of available credits from the job board or set your own limit you can.


Allowance Period

The allowance period can be set to Monthly or Weekly. When set to Monthly the credits will reset the allowance at the beginning of a new month. When set to Weekly the credits will reset on the same day as the start of the business week.



When a advert is posted to a job board this will register in the usage to show how many adverts have been posted against the total amount of credits.



In this column you can leave the user with the ability to post Unlimited adverts as they want to the job board or until the job board credits run out. You can also set a quota and when selected the default amount is set to 5 but can be changed to a limit you want to set. In this column you can also remove a users ability to post to this job board by toggling the user to the off position or you can toggle the switch on to allow a user to post to a job board.

Checking Your Settings

X1 Jobs do not currently offer the ability to check that your credentials are correct before posting an advert. The only way to check if you have entered the correct details is to try posting to job boards from Firefish.


If the details you’ve entered in the Job Board Settings are incorrect, you’ll see an error message detailing what has caused the post to fail.


Posting to X1 Jobs

When you're ready to post to X1 Jobs, go to the advert you would like to post and click on the Reach tab. You'll see all of the available job boards listed; click on the X1 Jobs account you would like to post to.

The X1 Jobs posting modal will now open; any fields that are mandatory will display an asterisk:

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Complete the available fields and, once you're satisfied with your selections, click Post. A new action will be added to the Recent Activity tab of the advert for successful posts.