Manage and Update the SEO for Web Pages and Plugins

Set up, manage and optimize the SEO tab

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When creating new web content pages and/or setting up your plugins, Firefish allows you to manage Search Engine Optimization (SEO). By adding titles, descriptions and keywords, you will make a huge difference to your website's search engine rankings.

To get started, select the Primary Content or SEO tab wherever it appears. For web pages this will be the first tab but for plugins its position will vary.

Clicking onto it you’ll see there are 3 boxes; this is where you enter information for the search engines.

Page Title

The text you put in the Page Title box will appear in your web browser. The recommended maximum for a page title is 55 characters and it's best to avoid using too many capital letters as this uses up additional characters.

Once you save your changes, your page title will appear here:


Adding relevant Keywords will make it easier for potential clients and candidates to find your website when using a search engine.

Keywords should be different for each page and reflect the main topic keywords that are used in the content of the web page.

Page Description

The Page Description is the text you see under your search engine result and in the small 'preview' when sharing web pages on social media.

Your recommended maximum length for page descriptions is 160 characters.

If you want to learn more about improving the SEO of your Firefish Template website, check out this eBook: Recruitment SEO for Beginners

Firefish AI Integration

We have added our Firefish AI Suggest functionality to our SEO section in Web Content and also the Team Blog, Events and Testimonial plugin. This will allow you to use AI to suggest  SEO terms based on your Page Title and Content. 

Selecting the Wand Icon at the top of the page will generate suggestions for all three fields. The wand icon within each field can generate them separately if needed.