Company & Contact Data Management & Cleansing
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Merging Company Records

How to merge duplicate company records in Firefish


Firefish lets you quickly and easily merge duplicate company records into a single company record.

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How to merge company records

When viewing a company record, click on Tasks > Merge to open up the Merge Companies window.

merge company button

The Merge Companies window will display with the company record you're viewing already populated - this is the company that you're merging into (wanting to keep):

merge company

Next, you can enter the company that you want to merge into the company that's already populated - this is the company record that will not be kept.

As you type, company will be auto-suggested for you to select. Once you select a company , you have the option to 'Reverse' the order and decide which contact you want to keep.

Please ensure you decide to keep the correct company as once a merge has taken place, this cannot be undone.

merge company2

Once you're ready to merge the companies, the final step is to click Confirm. Once clicked, the companies will be merged and you'll be returned to the company record that you've chosen to keep.

Note that you can't close the window until the merge has been completed - but this should only take a few seconds.

Once the merge has been performed, the company merging into will be deleted and no longer a record in Firefish.

An action will be recorded in the kept company record to confirm log a record that the merge has taken place:

merge company action

What happens when companies are merged?

Generally, any data in the company record you choose to keep will not be overwritten, only fields which are not populated will be populated with data from the merging company.

Summary Details

Data from the Summary Details tab of the company being merged from will be merged to the company being merged into, only if a particular field is empty.


All the contacts in the company record will be merged from one record to the other. If either of the companies have associated contacts with active employer portal logins, the portal logins will remain active. If the same contact is associated with both companies, this contact will not be duplicated.

Hiring Preferences

Disciplines, Locations and Specialisation preferences from the company being merged from will be merged to the company being merged into.


Data from the Benefits tab of the company being merged from will be merged to the company being merged into, only if a particular field is empty.


All recruitment records will be merged from one record to the other.


Compliance information will merge from the company being merged from to the company being merged into, only if there is no associated compliance information on the company you are keeping. Compliance information on the company you are keeping will not be overwritten.


All documents will merge from one company record to the other. If the same document is present on both records, this will not be duplicated.

Parent / Child Companies

  • If you are merging a parent company into one of its child companies, the child company you are merging into (keeping) will become the new parent company to any other child companies that were present
  • If you are merging a parent company into another parent company, all associated child companies will be grouped under the company record you are keeping
  • If you are merging two child companies with different parent companies, parent company for the company you are keeping will remain the same

Are there any company records that can't be merged?

All company records should be able to be merged. If for any reason the merge cannot successfully take place, an error message will appear. You can contact Support and we will help you understand why this error has occurred.