Recording a Contract Time Capture

This page walks through the process of recording a contract time capture.

When ‘Time Capture’ has been enabled within Settings > Job Configuration > Contract Workflow > Placement the Time Capture column will show on the Placements Tab of contract jobs:

Clicking on the Time Capture status icon will open the side panel allowing you to update the Hours/Days that a candidate has worked for the week. 

The status lozenge on the side panel will confirm if you're viewing the time capture for a placement or extension on a job. 



You’re able to add the details of any additional rates that have been worked by selecting ‘+Add Rate’. This will add an additional row to the day where you can update the details of the additional rate. If there are multiple rates available, the correct one can be selected from the dropdown:

Add Rate

Once all time capture details have been entered, you can select ‘Complete’ making the fields read only.

This will also update the status icon from Orange to Green. 

Note: Edits can still be made by selecting the blue pencil icon.


Anytime an edit to a time capture is saved the following action is added to the Company, Job and Candidate record:


The time capture status icon has the following status’:

Completed – All time entries are complete.

Incomplete - The current weeks time entry is not competed.

Overdue – The time entry has not been completed for a previous week.