
Registration - Form Setup & Diversity Recording

Use our Candidate Registration workflow to create bespoke candidate journey's for both website, advert and manual registrations!

Fish Tank Contents Header

Registration Settings

Adding, Deleting and Sorting Questions

Maximising a Candidates Registration

Diversity Recording

Diversity Monitoring Best Practise


The Candidate Registration gives you the ability to configure your Advert Applications and Web Registrations. This enables you to set the fields that a candidate needs to complete before they can be registered onto your system.

You'll find both the Web and Advert forms under Website > Candidate Registration for Professional and Enterprise versions only.


You'll also find the Manual Registration form within Settings > People Configuration > Manual Registration.

Registration Settings

Assigning your New Registrations

Firefish gives you the ability to assign new registrations to either all users or to a specific individual who would then be responsible for processing all of the new registrations. Once you have decided who will be responsible for managing your new registrations you can update this within the Registration Plugin by going to the Website tab, then clicking into Candidate Registration.

From here you can also decide if certain types of registrations will be included or not (i.e. email registrations or chrome extension registrations). You can also opt in to receive email notifications when a new candidate is registered.  


Note for Enterprise clients: some of the above settings are only available on the primary site, although the assignment of new registrations are available on a site-by-site basis.


When setting up your Web or Advert registration you can now enable the CAPTCHA option to stop spam registrations.

To enable the CAPTCHA you need to tick the box which will enable the CAPTCHA to show on the final page of the Registration.


This setting can only be enabled by a Super User, Marketing User or Sysadmin. For Basic, the Sysadmin is the only user able to enable the CAPTCHA.

Adding, deleting and sorting questions

To delete existing questions press on the red X (1) at the right hand side of the row. Edit a question using the edit button (2). To add a new question or change the order use the Add Question (4) and Sort buttons(3) as shown:


A pop up will appear prompting you to select the Data Field - this is the area within the candidate record that the information you want to gather relates to. For example, to ask a profile related question select Profile from as the data field and all the available profile related fields will appear in the next drop down.

Next, type in the question that you want your candidates to be asked and any extra information. Decide whether the question should be mandatory or not before you Save. You can continue this process until you have built up your registration questions, adding in blank rows to space each section out if you like. Use the Preview option to see what your registration process will look like before making it final.

This is what a candidate will complete when they register on your website or apply via an advert.

You can ask as little or as many questions as you want but to get maximum value from a candidates registration we'd recommend including the following so that they can be picked up in potential matches and future job alerts:

  • Preferred Discipline & Location
  • Desired Salary and/or Rate
  • Email & SMS Marketing
  • Create job alerts

  • Candidate Agreement
  • Postcode

Maximising Candidate Registrations

Having a strong database full of registered candidates will make it much easier for you to fill jobs fast.

This guide will run through 5 ways you can maximise the opportunity each time you register a new candidate. These tips will save you time in the long run and set you up to place candidates quicker!

1. Determine What Information you Need from Candidates

Start off by deciding what you need from the candidates in order to consider them fully registered with you.

For example...

  • Is it important to know specialty/sector/location info before you talk to them?

  • Do you need a CV, or is a LinkedIn profile URL enough?

  • Are there specific compliance legalities in your industry that you need to see before you will speak to them?

2. Try to Keep it Simple

What's the minimum amount of information you need in order to get by at the initial registration stage?

Could you keep your initial registration basic then direct candidates to their candidate portal to add further info afterwards?

Some candidates can be put off by a long registration form and the GDPR regulations ask that you keep form data to a minimum and focus on collecting just the data you need to get the job done.

It's just a matter of striking a balance - and remember you're in control of your forms in Firefish and can edit the data you collect at any time.

3. Gather the Right Info

Gathering the right info from the start will make it much easier to identify the candidates you want to get in front of your clients as soon as possible.

The info you need will depend on the type of candidate registration:

  • Advert application – The candidate is applying to a specific job, so you already know what type of role and location they are interested in. But is there anything else you need to know across all applications? e.g. do they have the right to work in your country?

  • Web registration – This is a passive registration for candidates who are not applying to a specific job, so you want to ask about disciplines or locations and other key information that will help you identify the right opportunities for them.

  • Manual registration – This is done by you rather than the candidate. Think of this form as your checklist to run through while speaking with them.

Information to include in your forms

Aside from the essentials like name, email address and contact number, here are some other useful fields to think about including in candidate registrations:

  • CV

  • Type of work – Perm/Contract or Temp

  • Discipline/Roles and Location

  • Salary and/or day/hourly rate expectations

  • Marketing & Job alert preferences

  • GDPR – ensure they can sign up to your candidate agreement from the start

  • Compliance/certification documentation.

Tip: You can choose to make some fields mandatory and some fields optional so that candidates can skip fields they think are taking to long to complete. This can increase your web registration numbers.

4. Encourage new candidates to register for their portal

If your candidate hasn't yet set up their candidate portal, encourage them to do so by sending out a password for them to login and update their info.

If they do have password but haven’t opted into marketing yet, you can use the ‘request update’ email template to ask them to log into their portal and update the specific information that’s missing.

Use a free screen-recording video tool (we use Loom) to record a short video showing the candidate how to log into their portal and how to easily access and update their information.

You can then add the video to your 'send password and request update' email template.

Find more info on how to update your email templates here.

Diversity recording

Firefish allows you to record candidate Diversity within applications and registrations on the system.

Check out this video for a tour of our Diversity Monitoring feature, or check out the written guide below:

Firstly, you can enable Diversity by clicking through Website > Candidate Registration > Diversity and checking the box at the right hand side:

Diversity allows you to record details about candidates:

  • Age

  • Disability

  • Ethnicity

  • Gender

  • Belief

  • Sexual Orientation

  • Resident Location

  • Marital Status

  • And 5 customisable fields!

Once enabled, you'll be able to update the questions and possible answers to suit your requirements.

Tick the boxes to enable, disable or make questions mandatory. You can also use the edit button to change the question text.

Possible Values can be edited in Settings > System Configuration > Dropdowns > Candidate Diversity

You can sort the order of the questions by clicking Sort on the bottom right of the page and dragging the questions into order when the Sort window appears.


You can also change the text displayed on the diversity page to match your company branding.

Once set up and added to your Advert Application or Registration Form, the questions will appear similar to the below, but in the style of your site.

You can use Standard Reports to Analyse the diversity of candidates coming to the system.

Diversity Monitoring Best Practice

Diversity Monitoring is the process of collecting anonymised data from your candidates or employees to monitor how diverse your database or workplace is.

A lot of businesses use diversity monitoring to ensure they're offering equal opportunities to all candidates and employees.

More and more businesses are looking to put diversity at the heart of their recruitment efforts – 85% of businesses think improving diversity is important and recruiting from diverse groups is the way to improve it.

Firefish has features specifically designed to help you improve diversity when hiring.

If you're a Firefish Professional or Enterprise user, switching on diversity recording will allow you to begin collecting anonymised diversity data when candidates fill out a registration form.

The diversity data you collect should always be anonymised to prevent any form of bias and ensure no applications are treated differently based on the information they provide. With this in mind, never add notes to candidate records that relate to diversity as this can lead to positive discrimination (which is illegal) and it’s also in breach of GDPR.

If you're recruiting in-house, you can then use Firefish’s diversity reporting to report on how diverse your hiring efforts have been.

If you're an agency, the Diversity option allows you to review how diverse your pools of candidates are applying to your jobs and feed this information back to your clients as part of your service.

Diversity fields and options to add to your registration process

When creating a diversity form as part of your candidate registration, it's important to give candidates enough choice that the options on your forms speak to them. Candidates can become disengaged if they feel the options provided on registration forms aren't inclusive to them.

Firefish has standard diversity fields that allow you to create your own options for different fields on your forms.

Below we’ve listed some recommended options for our standard fields, and also listed some suggestions you could add to the custom fields for extra monitoring.

Please note that the below lists are merely recommendations on field values and potential custom fields. This list is in no way exhaustive.

Standard Fields


  • Male

  • Female

  • Non-binary

  • Other

  • Prefer not to say

Sexual Orientation

  • Straight or Heterosexual

  • Gay or Lesbian

  • Bisexual

  • Other sexual orientation

  • Prefer not to say


  • White – British, Irish, European, White other

  • Asian – Chinese, Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Indian, Asian other

  • Black – British, African, Caribbean, Black other

  • Mixed

  • Other

  • Prefer not to say

Religious belief

  • None

  • Christian (Including all denominations)

  • Muslim

  • Buddhist

  • Sikh

  • Jewish

  • Hindu

  • Other

  • Prefer not to say

Custom Fields

Gender Identity

Q: Is your Gender Identity the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Prefer not to say

  • He/Him/His

  • She/Her/Hers

  • Them/They/Theirs

  • Ze/Zir/Zirs

  • Other

  • Prefer not to say

3 benefits of collecting diversity data

Collecting anonymised diversity data has lots of benefits for both internal monitoring and as a potential selling point for your agency.

Here's just a few:

  1. Diversify your workforce
    Monitoring diversity will help you diversify your network or workforce and ensure you have the widest talent pools possible. You can use your diversity data to identify gaps and create recruitment campaigns that target candidates from these underrepresented groups.

  2. Appeal to new candidates
    Your diversity data can also be used as a selling point when speaking to potential candidates. You can use your data to create promotional brand material such as visual reports or whitepapers that demonstrate your inclusive recruitment processes. You can send these reports to candidates or showcase them on your website.

  3. Show clients you're an inclusive recruiter
    If you're an agency, you can also talk about your diversity data when pitching for new business. Create reports from your anonymised diversity data in Firefish and use this as proof that you're an agency that cares about inclusive recruitment.