How to share Reports Dashboards with other users
You can find the Share button at the top of the Reports Dashboard.
Clicking on this button opens up two options: 'Copy URL' and 'Email Dashboard'.
Share a URL
If you click 'Copy URL', the link to the Dashboard you're currently viewing will be copied to your clipboard. A green pop-up message at the bottom of the screen will confirm that this has been successfully copied.
Then you can paste this link to share with another user in the system - via email, chat etc.
The person clicking on the link will only be able to view the Dashboard if they have View permissions for that particular Dashboard.
Email Reports Dashboard
Clicking 'Email Dashboard' allows you to email the dashboard you're currently viewing to any other active user.
Users who either own the dashboard or have View and Edit permissions for the dashboard will be able to email the dashboard.
When you click 'Email Dashboard', the following side panel appears to the right of the screen:
By default the email Subject is the name of the dashboard, but this can be edited.
Clicking into the 'To' box shows a list of active users that you can select to send the email to.
Once selected, the users appear under the 'To' box.
Please note that both the Company Email Account and your own email address needs to be set up to do this. If this hasn't been done, an error message will show and the Send button will be deactivated.
Clicking 'Send' will then send the Dashboard to your list of users. A pop-up will appear to show that the dashboard is being emailed:
The email will contain the name of the Dashboard, information on how it has been filtered, and screenshots of each card.
Email recipients can click the 'Visit the Dashboard' buttons to be taken directly to the dashboard, which they can view as long as they have View permissions for that dashboard.