Here is a list of accepted file types within the system.

Supported File Types Overview
Within the system you are able to view documents and images using the side panel to view them. Below is a list of the accepted file types that you can upload to the system:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Text (*.txt)
Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)
Microsoft Powerpoint (*.pptx, *.ppt)
Images (*.jpg, *.jfif,*.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Microsoft Visio (*.vsd)
Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (*.eml, *.msg)
Tagged Image File Format (*.tif)
Maximum File Size
The maximum supported file size is 9.5MB.
Document Library Supported File Types
When using the document library you are only able to upload these file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Candidate Documents Supported File Types
When in the candidate record and you are looking to upload a document or image to the CV or Formatted CV here is the supported file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
CV documents uploaded as Word or PDF will be parsed and readable for keyword Boolean searching and Firefish AI.
For the rest of the options in the candidate record like the Cover Letter, Interview Notes etc here is the supported file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Text (*.txt)
Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)
Microsoft Powerpoint (*.pptx, *.ppt)
Images (*.jpg, *.jfif, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Microsoft Visio (*.vsd)
Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (*.eml, *.msg)
Tagged Image File Format (*.tif)
Company Documents Supported File Types
When in a Company Record and you are looking to upload a document or image to the Company Documents, Company Proposals etc, here is a list of supported file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Text (*.txt)
Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)
Microsoft Powerpoint (*.pptx, *.ppt)
Images (*.jpg, *.jfif, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Microsoft Visio (*.vsd)
Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (*.eml, *.msg)
Adverts Supported File Types
When in a Advert you are able to upload documents and images to the Display Job Profile or Display Application Form, here is the supported file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Text (*.txt)
Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)
Microsoft Powerpoint (*.pptx, *.ppt)
Images (*.jpg, *.jfif, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Microsoft Visio (*.vsd)
Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (*.eml, *.msg)
Jobs Supported File Types
When in a Job you are able to upload documents and images to the Job Profile, Extra Info or Terms. Here is the supported file types:
Microsoft Word (*.docx, *.doc, *.dot, *.rtf)
Text (*.txt)
Microsoft Excel (*.xlsx, *.xls)
Microsoft Powerpoint (*.pptx, *.ppt)
Images (*.jpg, *.jfif, *.jpeg, *.gif, *.png)
Adobe PDF (*.pdf)
Microsoft Visio (*.vsd)
Microsoft Outlook E-Mails (*.eml, *.msg)
Job Profile documents uploaded as Word or PDF will be parsed and readable for Firefish AI.