Past Releases

Changes to Contract and Permanent Status Values

This week, we've enhanced your CRM to give you the ability to add custom Permanent Status and Contract Status values, providing more accurate search results and improved reporting capabilities, easily facilitating bulk communication with your active placements/contractors.


Here's a quick overview of the changes:

  • Super Users can now add custom Permanent Status/Contract Status values via their Properties settings.
  • The existing Contract Status called 'Currently in Contract' has been renamed to 'Contracting Through Us' and a new custom value has been created called 'Currently in Contract'. This is to allow users to differentiate between active contractors placed through Firefish and candidates who may be in a contract, but through another agency. 

    For all existing candidates who were set to 'Currently in Contract' (now called 'Contracting Through Us') - if the candidate is NOT in an active contract placement, then they will be moved to the new custom value called 'Currently In Contract'. 

  • The existing Permanent Status called 'Happy in Current Position' has been renamed to 'Placed By Us' and a new custom value has been created called 'Happy in Current Position'. Again, this is to differentiate between candidates placed in a permanent role in Firefish vs candidates who may have been placed elsewhere.

    For all existing candidates who were set to 'Happy in Current Position' (now called "Placed By Us") - if the candidate was placed more than 2 years ago, then they will be moved to the new custom value called 'Happy in Current Position'. 
  • Permanent Status and Contract Status fields will no longer be visible on Candidate Portal/Employer Portal, in an effort to keep control over this field in the Recruiters hands.

If you have any further questions on these changes, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our support team.