Business Development

7 Saved Searches to Boost Your Business Development

7 saved searches that will help you boost your business development.

As a recruiter Business Development is crucial to grow your client base and generate new jobs and placements! Here are some of our top recommended Saved Searches for companies and contacts.

Saved Searches are a great way to store search criteria that you use on a regular basis so that you can easily re-run your search without having to recreate it every time.

If you want to know how to create a saved search, you can find more information in this article.


We’ve split this article in to two parts, with our top saved searches for contacts and companies.

Having a Saved Search set up for Contacts is a great Business development tool as you can reach out to contacts directly and send out bulk Emails, SMS and CV’s on spec.

Here are some of our key Contact searches we recommend:

  1. Contact Status – Active / Inactive / Target – This is a great way to keep track of your active clients who you are currently working with versus those that you want to target to ensure you are taking the correct approach with your communication. Once you then convert your prospect and update their status, they will then be able to show on your active client search.

  2. Tags – Having a Saved Search on all your tagged contacts is a great business development tool to identify those contacts you actively want to target, quickly and efficiently. This also allows you to separate your prospects by adding tags such as ‘Warm’, ‘Cold’, ‘Competitor’, ‘Lead’.

  3. Last Action – This allows you to keep track of all your clients and ensuring you are keeping in regular contact with them or reach out to those you maybe haven’t spoken with in a while.

  4. Hiring preferences/ Industry Sector – Having a list of all your contacts that recruit within a certain industry/ location or for specific roles that you specialise in makes it quicker and easier to spec out your top candidates that they may be interested in resulting in potentially new clients and quicker placements!

For more information on Contact Searching see this article


Creating a saved search for specific companies that you regularly recruit for or are actively prospecting means you can access these easily and ensure you are keeping in regular contact.

Here are some of our key Company searches we recommend:

  1. Sales Status – Having a Saved Search for companies such as client, long term prospect, short term prospects, allows you to keep track of your top prospects and current clients to ensure you are keeping in regular contact and maintaining those relationships.

  2. Last action – A recruiter’s day is often extremely busy, and it is difficult to keep in regular contact with every company on your database, having a saved search based on the last action, will allow you to clearly see those companies that you haven’t reached out to in a while and prompt you get in touch.

  3. Industry sector / Hiring Preferences – Creating a saved search for companies based on the roles or industry you specialise in, can be a great way of seeing the companies that match the types of roles you would recruit for and will also show any new companies within that industry added to the system that you may not have been aware of.

To find out more about Company Searching see this article