Website Plugins

Team Plugin

Establish relationships at an early stage through your Team’s page.

Team Plugin

Establish relationships at an early stage through your Team’s page.

Create featured team member cards, build individual bios, and embed videos for each team member - creating a sense of familiarity for your candidates to trust from the outset.

Team Plugin - Create & Edit

Add a New Record

There will be a button called New at the top of the page. Clicking this button will display the edit team side panel.

Note - In order to see your team members on your website, you must also create a content page with the page type - Team Plugin.


Tab Structure

The edit side panel will consist of four different tabs, these are detailed below.

Featured Card

The featured card tab controls the content that is visible for additional plugin records.

*This feature is only available for specific dynamic templates. Click here for more info.

Enabled Toggle - This controls the visibility of the featured card. If enabled, this record will be considered to appear within your additional plugin area.

List Page - This toggle controls the visibility of each record that will appear on the team list page.

Image - This image slot allows you to upload a separate image for your featured record. You can do this by dragging and dropping or by clicking to browser your device files. The supported file types are ‘.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png’.

Text - The featured text field allows you to add a shorter introduction to your team record that will be visible on your website.

This includes a 'Copy from Content' button that will automatically copy the maximum amount of characters from your main team content.

Tags - Adding tags to your team page will allow you to refine via the additional plugin filtering options. Click here for more info.

Team Page

The team page tab drives the main content for your team record. This is also where you set your publish date and time.

Name - This is the field to populate your team member’s name. This will appear on the front end of your website.

Image - This image slot allows you to upload an image for your team member post. You can do this by dragging and dropping or by clicking to browser your device files. The supported file types are ‘.jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .png’.

Content - This area allows you to enter the main content for your team record. This is a standard content box and custom HTML can be added via the 'Source' button. Images and videos can also be embedded within this content area.

Publish Date / Time - These fields allow you to set a publish date and time for your team record. You can set this date in the past, present or future. If you add a future date, your team page will appear as 'Unpublished' until the scheduled date.


The SEO & Social tab allows you to give your team a record a description and keywords to optimize searching and make it easy for potential candidates and clients to come across your team page!

SEO will automatically populate based on your team name and content. You can update and edit your SEO details as you wish.

Title - SEO page title

Keywords - SEO page keywords

Description - SEO page description

Social Image - The social image slot allows you to give your team member a specific image to use when sharing on social media.


In order to get the best results for your team social image when using the below ‘Social Image’ slot, we would advise only using file names that are all text characters with no spaces, numbers, or special characters. E.g. - TeamImageOne.Png.

There are a few websites that can be used to ensure team social posts are appearing as expected detailed below -


URL - This field will display a read-only version of the team record URL. There is a click-to-copy button that allows the URL to be copied to a clipboard.


The settings tab includes contact details, a linked user field and well as 'List Page' toggle.

Contact Details – These fields allow you to populate contact and social information for each team member.

User - You can link a system user to your team plugin, this can drive linked users to specific job adverts when set up.


Team Plugin - Breakdown

The team plugin is located within the Website > Team Plugin area of the CMS.


List Page

When navigating to this page, you will be presented with an overview of any current team members you already have created.

The list page will consist of the following columns:



The checkbox column will enable you to select multiple records to delete at once. The delete icon will appear and replace the column headers once a checkbox has been selected. Clicking the delete button will display a confirmation pop up. Clicking OK will confirm you wish to delete this record. Clicking the X in the corner will close this, and not delete your record.

Re-order icon
Next to the checkbox column, you will find the re-order icon. This icon indicated your list of team members can be re-ordered via drag and drop functionality. Simply click and drag your record to the position you wish for this to appear on your website.

Created by

You will see there is a created by column on the overview page. This will display the image of the system user that has created this team record. This can be managed via System > My Account.


The title column will contain your team member's name text. This column is populated by the name field when creating or editing a team record. The name field is a required field and cannot be left blank when saving.

The view page icon will open up the record you are viewing in a new tab. This will display the list view team page you have selected.

Featured Card Status

The featured card column indicates the visibility of the record from within an additional plugin. There are three different statuses available, these are detailed below:

  • Green – Enabled

  • Red – Disabled

Team Page Status

The team page status column indicates the visibility of the record on a plugin page. There are three different statuses available, these are detailed below:

  • Green – Published and live.

  • Red – Draft with no date set to publish.

  • Orange – Unpublished and scheduled to publish on the set date.
    * You can set a publish date to be in the future to schedule team members to publish automatically.


The published column will contain the date and time that your team record was published or is set to publish, to your live site. This column will not include a date and time if the record is saved in draft status.


The title column will contain the text populated in your tags field. This can be added and edited by navigating to the featured card tab in the create/edit view. Tags will allow you to refine your team record on your website into different groups.

Action Buttons

The action buttons will consist of two icons to the right of the screen. These buttons are linked to an action, these are detailed below:

Edit - The pencil icon will allow you to click to edit your record. You can also click anyone along the record row to edit.

Delete – The trashcan icon allows you to delete a single record from your team list. Clicking this will display a pop-up to confirm you wish to delete your record.

Team Plugin - Chat GPT Integration

Chat GPT Suggest functionality has been added to our Team plugin. This will allow to to utilise Chat GPT when creating summaries for team members. The content is generated based on the team members name and their job role, and is also written in the tone of the Brand Voice for your website.

To use this feature, in Website > Web Settings > Branding. ‘Content Suggestions’ must be toggled on.  

Once this is enabled, navigate to Website > Team Plugin and select an existing team member or create a new one. In the Team Page tab, select Suggest to generate a summary based on their Name and Job Role.

The generated content can be edited, or Suggest can be used again to generate another short summary.